Tuesday, August 23, 2016

ELA Week 3

Reading: Identifying Characters based on their actions, traits, motivations, and feelings
Language: Identifying Simple and Compound Sentences
Social Studies: Influences of Paul Revere on American Independence
HW: RN p.29 & 30

Reading: Analyzing Characters based on their actions, traits, motivations, and feelings
Language: Writing Compound Sentences
Social Studies: Influences of Paul Revere on American Independence
HW: RN p.31 & 32

Reading: Comparing Characters based on their actions, traits, motivations, and feelings Midweek Assessment
Language:  Simple and Compound Sentences - Midweek Assessment
Social Studies: Influences of Paul Revere on American Independence
HW: Main Idea/Compound Sentences

Reading: Comparing Characters based on their actions, traits, motivations, and feelings (with Two Texts), Reading Vocabulary Quiz
Language: Using Compound Sentences in Writing
Social Studies: SS Daily Warm-Up Quiz
HW: Spelling Pyramids

Reading: Weekly Comprehension Quiz 
Language: Mentor Sentences Quiz/Spelling Quiz/Grammar Quiz

**This week's Reading & Language skills align with Lesson 3 from the Journey's Reading textbook.

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