Wednesday, August 17, 2016

ELA and SS Week 2

Reading: Introducing Drawing Conclusions
Language: Identifying Varied Sentences (Statements and Questions)
Social Studies: Review Influences of Ancient Greece
HW: RN p.15 & 16

Reading: Practice Drawing Conclusions
Language: Identifying and Writing Varied Sentences (Commands and Exclamations)
Social Studies: Review Influences of Ancient Greece
HW: RN p.17 & 18

Reading: Practice Drawing Conclusions and Midweek Assessment
Language: Identifying and Writing Varied Sentences and Midweek Assessment
Social Studies: Review Influences of Ancient Greece
HW: "The Visitor"

Reading: Practice Drawing Conclusions by Comparing Two Texts, Reading Vocabulary Quiz
Language: Writing Varied Sentences 
Social Studies: Influences of Ancient Greece Unit Test!!
HW: Spelling ABC Order

Reading: Weekly Comprehension Quiz 
Language: Mentor Sentences Quiz/Spelling Quiz/Grammar Quiz
Social Studies: Introduce The Life and Influences of Paul Revere

**This week's Reading & Language skills align with Lesson 2 from the Journey's Reading textbook.

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