Monday, September 14, 2015

Reading, Language, and Social Studies for Week 6

Reading: Introduce Cause and Effect Relationships in a Text
Language: Identifying Singular and Plural Nouns
Social Studies: Introduce Paul Revere
HW: RN p.57 & 58

Reading: Practice Identifying Cause and Effect Relationships in a Text
Language: Identifying and Using Singular and Plural Nouns
Social Studies: Influences of Paul Revere on American Independence
HW: RN p.59 & 60

Reading: Practice Identifying Cause and Effect Relationships in a Text- Midweek Assessment
Language:  Identifying and Using Singular and Plural Nouns Midweek Assessment
Social Studies: Influences of Paul Revere on American Independence
HW: "Saving Summer"

Reading: Practice Identifying Cause and Effect Relationships in a Text with Two Texts
Language: Using Singular and Plural Nouns in Writing
Social Studies: SS Daily Warm-Up Quiz
HW: Spelling Sentences

Reading: Weekly Comprehension Quiz 
Language: Mentor Sentences Quiz/Spelling Quiz/Grammar Quiz
Social Studies: Influences of Paul Revere

**This week's Reading & Language skills align with Lesson 5 from the Journey's Reading textbook.

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