Monday, September 14, 2015

Spelling and Vocabulary for Week 6

Spelling Pattern: Long i

Students will be responsible for knowing how to spell all of the spelling words for the test on Friday.

Basic                             Review                         Challenge
slight                                    night                               silent
blind                                     find                                 frightening

·        Students will be responsible for knowing the meaning of the vocabulary words and how to use them in context for the test on Thursday. More practice with the vocabulary can be found in your child’s reading textbook.

1.     pronounced- said clearly and correctly
2.     stands- seats at a stadium or ballpark
3.     fans- great admirers
4.     league- group of teams that compete against one another
5.     score-to make a point or points in a game
6.     polish- to make shine; to make something better
7.     style- a way of doing something

8.     slammed- hit with sudden force

Reading, Language, and Social Studies for Week 6

Reading: Introduce Cause and Effect Relationships in a Text
Language: Identifying Singular and Plural Nouns
Social Studies: Introduce Paul Revere
HW: RN p.57 & 58

Reading: Practice Identifying Cause and Effect Relationships in a Text
Language: Identifying and Using Singular and Plural Nouns
Social Studies: Influences of Paul Revere on American Independence
HW: RN p.59 & 60

Reading: Practice Identifying Cause and Effect Relationships in a Text- Midweek Assessment
Language:  Identifying and Using Singular and Plural Nouns Midweek Assessment
Social Studies: Influences of Paul Revere on American Independence
HW: "Saving Summer"

Reading: Practice Identifying Cause and Effect Relationships in a Text with Two Texts
Language: Using Singular and Plural Nouns in Writing
Social Studies: SS Daily Warm-Up Quiz
HW: Spelling Sentences

Reading: Weekly Comprehension Quiz 
Language: Mentor Sentences Quiz/Spelling Quiz/Grammar Quiz
Social Studies: Influences of Paul Revere

**This week's Reading & Language skills align with Lesson 5 from the Journey's Reading textbook.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Science Week #6

This week in Science we will have our weekly vocabulary quiz on Wednesday

On Thursday, we will have our Heat Unit Test. Study guides will go home on Tuesday. Extra points are given for signed study guides. 

Vocabulary words this week can be found on the students green sheets in the Science section of their binder.  

Week 6 Science Vocabulary Words over Heat Lessons 1, 2, 3

Temperature       Celsius                  Thermal Energy              Heat
Conduction         Conductor             Insulator                        Insulation
Thermometer     Friction

Math Week #6

Envision Lesson 3-3

Adding 3 Digits

During Class: 

Guided Practice Page 72 # 1-6

Independent Practice Page 72-73, #’s 7-29

Practice 3-3

Homework: Re-Teaching 3-3
Envision Lesson 3-4

Adding 3 Digits

During Class: 

Guided Practice Page 74 #1-9

Independent Practice Page 74 #10-22

Practice 3-4

Homework: Re-Teaching 3-4
Envision Lesson 3-7

Subtracting 3 Digits

During Class: 

Guided Practice Page 80 #1-8

Independent Practice Page 80-81 #9-23

Practice 3-7

Homework: Re-Teaching 3-7
Envision Lesson 3-8

Subtracting 3 Digits

During Class: 

Guided Practice Page 83 #1-8

Independent Practice Page 83-84 #9-27

Practice 3-8

Homework: Re-Teaching 3-8
Envision Quiz Topics 3-3, 3-4, 3-7, 3-8

Big 4


Monday, September 7, 2015

Math Week #5

Envision Lesson 2-7

Estimating Differences

During Class: 

Guided Practice Page 51 #1-8

Independent Practice Page 51-52 #9-27

Practice 2-7
Homework: Re-Teaching 2-7
Envision Lesson 2-8

Addition and Subtraction Equations

During Class: 

Guided Practice Page 54 # 1-9

Independent Practice Page 54-55, #’s 10-28

Practice 2-8

Homeowork: Re-Teaching 2-8
Review Topic 2

Rounding to the Nearest 10 and 100
Estimating Sums and Differences

During Class: 

Brain Pop Jr. Rounding

Re-Teaching pages 58 and 59

Topic 2 Test pages 60 and 61

Homework: Topic 2 Review
Envision Topic 2 Quiz, Big 4, POD

Week #5: Science Vocabulary Quiz Study Guide

Old Words (Yellow Sheet):                           New Words (Green Sheet):
Inquiry                  Evidence                                     Temperature
Accurate                Opinion                                       Celsius
Thermometer       Hypothesis
Predict                   Experiment