Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Our Visit with GLC Grandparents!

Our school has recently partnered with Golden Living Center, a local nursing home, in an Adopt-a-Grandparent program. Last week, our classes visited Golden Living Center to spread some holiday cheer to the residents and workers. The kids greeted, passed out snowman cards they made with holiday/winter wishes (that included very precise adjectives, an activity which follows our standards), and passed out mini candy canes to both the workers and residents. The kids loved the trip and hopefully learned about giving and sharing with others in the community. What a great way to spread some seasonal cheer!

Here is our walk over to the nursing home. It was a very brisk morning! :)

Thank you, Jesup Police Department, for escorting us. We love you guys!!

Here is our class picture with Mrs. Shirley! (She's hidden in the middle with the kids.)

More pictures coming soon...!

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